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My Fantasy Wife

Dec 22, 2017

The history of the #biathlon

We plan to launch a new #demolitionderby league

Our #fantasyfootball league winds up the semi-finals - who's in the lead? 

Does the idea of #fantasypoker have legs?

And we talk #UltimateBeastMaster with comedian VANESSA GONZALEZ - @buhnessa - out of #Austin ! Plus we play "Most Awesomely...

Dec 14, 2017

We talk about #Russia missing the #2018Olympics , what we look forward to in an winter #Olympics and how we plan to bracket and bet on it (in fact, if you like 'behind the scenes' stuff there's a lot of our out-loud thinking in this episode). 

Plus our #FantasyFootball league and the #curling club of Wilmington.


Dec 5, 2017

Wow.  Just wow.  This episode has a lot going on.

Turns out sassafras is a hard core drug; fill-in Social Media Maven, Wills Maxwell is TOO excited about $5; And turns out there's a dark side to American Folk Heroes #JohnnyAppleseed #PaulBunyan #IchabodCrane just like today's male media & political heroes. OH! And we...

Nov 27, 2017

We've got turkey brain for this Thanksgiving weekend episode, discussing whether Sassafrass is any good, Blaire & Gary's trip to New Orleans, the Saints, the Eagles, college football & the #Alabama situation, college basketball, and our fantasy football league - Gary cracks himself up with a fun name-game.  And we talk...

Nov 13, 2017

Jerry Jones v. the NFL - who to root for?

And then of course with Real & made-up Cat-Themed Avenger cat names: NICK FURRY & CAT’IN AMERICA, Black Panther, The Incredible Skulk,  Kill that Hawk Eye, Hellcat, Tigra, Luke – I don’t wanna go in that – Cage, Dr. Mange

And our guest CHRISTIAN SPICER talks about the...