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My Fantasy Wife

May 23, 2017

It's more #NHL and #NBA #playoffs, a hint of #baseball and a WHOLE lot of #JacksonvilleJaguars, #OrlandoMagic and #LARP weirdness with comedian MARK BRADY @MarkBradyyy. Capped off with a game of "Rules of Larping Trivia" which quickly goes very, very wrong.

May 16, 2017

The definition of #BonVivant ; #NBA playoffs; #NHL playoffs; Is #DC now the Saddest Sports Town?; #DerekJeter Day; the boys relentlessly accuse Blaire of reverse sexism in guest booking ... but she can't help it if women are funnier than men - so who can blame her? :-) Guest Maddie Wiener tells us about her childhood...

May 8, 2017

First we talk about April 30th's "Lost Episode" (due to feline medical emergency) & some interesting details. We chat about the new #tattoo on @laughwithharrison & how it's probably misspelled; #NBA Playoffs, #NHL Playoffs & what heartbreak lay ahead, the #WellsFargoChampionship #golf tournament that just wrapped...